Delhi Belly, Underbelly Cowgate

Running times in productions at the fringe has always been a big talking point; with most shows aiming for an hours slot, you can often see shows in which rushes it’s exposition to delve into a story in which we can feel very emotionless towards. For Sarah Cameron West, Writer and Performer of KAREN, the way she weaves characters into her story, with direct rapport from her live audiences, is expertly executed, and is accomplished within fifty minutes. Never at one moment does a skit feel like filler, or a line being written just to fulfill a punchline. Whilst there is a comment to had about the timeframe of the show not feeling quite fleshed out, Karen is still a show that has you there, in the moment, with Cameron-West giving us a performance and script worthy of a TV adaptation in the making; you feel as though you are in the presence of the next TV comic in the making. 


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