Ace Dome, Pleasance Dome

Gabriella Foley’s fast paced queer take on a fascinating farce sprints along faster than some olympians could ever be. In a world where our attention spans too can often flicker, Kasper Hilton-Hill and Olivia Michi Shrenzel, alongside Foley on stage, keep our focus set in this world that bends reality at moments of pure hilarity, and has big ambitions for such a small stage. Being a newcomer to Foley’s talents both in writing and performance, it’s a true spectacle and perfect lunchtime viewing, as Director Zoë Templeman-Young weaves the narrative thread so meticulously with such minimal, but vital, design. It’s also worth noting how Abigail Kessel’s involvement in the production as Intimacy Co-ordinator helps elevate these moments to help not only those on stage, but us too in the cramped auditorium, feel safe and comfortable in what we are witnessing.


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