Roundabout, Summerhall

Daisy Hall’s debut plays out in real time, as we peer into Aspinall and Clements' rather chaotic friendship that tangles as the storms around them are getting closer, and we are right in the epicentre of the action. As tensions rise, David Doyle’s lighting ripples through the ever-wonderful Roundabout structure, whilst Holly Khan’s soundscape rumbles with such power, that has us on tenterhooks; it’s a perfect chemistry in technical theatre, and further adds to the unsettling atmosphere. As a duo in performance, Paul Adeyefa (Aspinall) and Luke Rollason (Clement) bring humour to Hall’s writing, and physically produce a spiralling chemistry and feels like at times you are watching two kids in a sandbox; there’s a playfulness in the early parts of the script that eases us into these characters, with Jessica Lazar doing a marvellous job in keeping the action fresh, even in the latter stages of the play, where we’re literally in the heart of the storm, with such uncertainty in what we are about to experience next.


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