ED FRINGE 2023 REVIEW: Durham Revue's Death on The Mile ★★★★

The hour flies by in 'Death on the Mile', a Sketch Comedy show presented by Durham Revue, who have been entertaining audiences for years now, and where last year in 2022, one of our team saw the show and couldn't stop raving about the skits they saw, from a parcel with a chicken hat, to an aeroplane demonstration in the form of audience participation. This year, skits include The Chuckle Brothers, Spartacus, and a mentally scarring, yet hilarious, take on Peppa Pig.

Full of energy and constant changes in accents and personalities throughout, there's not a joke in sight which fails to land, as the eccentricity levels rise quite steeply; callbacks to earlier skits have the audience roaring with laughter (we love a good Meatball prank show), and with a loose beginning and end scene holding the skits together (the 'Death' in the title is a little loose in this sense), Durham Revue caters to all ages, however do watch out if you are taking the younger members of your family, as Death on The Mile does contain some foul language.
